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Arduino multi purpose server
posted on 13/12/2010 01:37:56 by Aether

UPDATE 28 March 2012 - Better opened to the world.

We've recently redesigned the site and removed the download from the old url. The latest version will soon be posted to GitHub.

UPDATE 15 Jan 2011 - Version 2 is available.

we've been working to extend a DHCP/Web server that Folderol has made available at this link.

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Christmas Present Design Exhibition @Shipley Art Gallery
posted on 12/12/2010 20:31:57 by Hemera
Christmas Present, the Shipley Art Gallery's annual selling  exhibition, returns this year featuring an impressive range of North East designers; a great opportunity to buy limited editions and original items as our Heart_Bit Lamp!
The exhibition opens on the evening of 18th November and runs until 9th January.

The Shed @ The Shipley Lates
posted on 12/12/2010 20:05:06 by Hemera

The Shed at The Shipley Art Gallery in Gateshead. This week we piloted a project which takes the physical shed out of The Shed and into other cultural venues. The pilot ran at the recent Shipley Lates at Shipley Art Gallery in November, with the view to extend this to other cultural spaces in 2011.

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Growing Forest at the Shed
posted on 24/10/2010 18:52:30 by Hemera

After several months of research we installed our interactive video this Friday as part of the Design Event and the Shed Open Studio, here some pics of the event 

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100% Design London
posted on 24/10/2010 18:38:17 by Hemera

This week we exhibited the Mood Chair and the Heart-Bit lamp at 100% Design on the Design Event Stand in the 100% Futures section, from 23-26 September on Stand G100 at Earls Court. We exhibited along with other North East Designers, for instance behind our chair you can see the beautiful wallpaper of Kate Usher

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Thanks for all your contributions!
posted on 08/10/2010 11:15:26 by Hemera
Workshop: Algorithmic interaction for everyone
posted on 20/09/2010 12:21:06 by Hemera

23 October, 2.00pm - 5.00pm
The Shed, 348-354 High Street, Gateshead

The course will be a relaxed project-focused introduction to programming for  interactive art and design.  We will spend a three hours session on understanding the many alternative platforms available (including Processing, Arduino, C/C++ and higher level as C#) and giving you the tools to find your way around their pros and cons. 

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Growing Forest
posted on 20/09/2010 11:33:34 by Hemera

22-31 October - The Shed, 348-354 High Street, Gateshead;
Opening: 22 October, 6pm – 10pm

Aether & Hemera's projection visualizes and reflects the growing state of the social relations and conversations in the Shed space. Each conversation is represented by a shrub, growing in real-time while individuals chat with one another; these will change in a shape, size and hue depending on the duration and volume of the conversation as perceived by different sensors and microphone.

By the end of the exhibition the whole series of conversations will have generated an intricate and colourful forest still evolving as new spectators and guests interact in front of it. Not only will the Growing Forest be developed by dialogues, but by displaying a representation of conversations to the audience, will provide new items to discuss, resulting in a convoluted self-generating loop. The Growing Forest represents a narrative visualization of all discussions’ history.

posted on 11/09/2010 13:04:24 by Hemera
Please visit the Save the Arts website and to sign the online petition:

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Blyth and Bedlington get arty
posted on 21/06/2010 13:50:49 by Hemera

The red art tricycle is in Blyth Sports Centre in Bolam Park until the 4th of July
More info on Sustrans' website  

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Stories at Wolverhampton Art Gallery
posted on 29/05/2010 18:04:36 by Hemera

Enter a magical world of storytelling and discover work inspired by childhood memories, fictional stories and fairy tales. Through paintings, drawings, sculptures and collage, the gallery space will be transformed into an enchanted, playful and mysterious land; more info on Wolverhampton Art Gallery website.

Curator: Helen Oliver


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The tricycle feedback routes
posted on 17/05/2010 22:08:03 by Hemera

Dave Stephens Centre in Blyth is hosting the Red Tricycle untill the 20th of June. Please post your feedback cards in the Tricycle's mail box!

Please find the routes where you can find the feedback postcards in the rest of the entry.

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The Late Show
posted on 17/05/2010 18:36:36 by Hemera

Claudio and I run a free workshop during The Late Show: the workshop was a successful introduction of Arduino foundation for kids and adults where participants have learnt to create their artworks with Arduino from scratch as well as having an excellent introduction to new media art.

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Audio Video Interaction
posted on 15/05/2010 19:47:36 by Hemera

The next step in our creative journey as lighting artists is the use of new technology to develop interactive digital artwork and last week we've begun a new exciting project involving the use of digital technologies in the production of a new artwork scheduled for this autumn, thanks to an Arts Council Grant for the Arts.


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Art Strategy for two new cycle routes - Connect2
posted on 02/05/2010 17:17:12 by Hemera

We are very excited that Aether & Hemera have been selected for the Connect2 Residency; we are deeply interested in Sustrans's themes such as responsible travel and we believe that everyone can make a difference !

We recognize that art has an ability to reflect and potentially influence our actions, challenging our awareness; in this context we believe it has a role to play in promoting responsible behaviours.

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