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Aether & Hemera @ Newcastle University
posted on 15/12/2017 14:09:00 by Hemera

Thinking Through Making: Light - Human Perception - Spaces.

Aether & Hemera provided sessions around notions of ‘junctions and thresholds’, both as architectural elements and as moments of meeting and co-construction for Newcastle University's architecture students in December. The sessions provided students with a chance to experiment and explore new processes of thinking through making with light, filters and lenses.  

Aether & Hemera @ Blenheim Palace
posted on 21/11/2017 15:23:00 by Hemera

Aether & Hemera's Voyage has been selected for Blenheim Palace annual outdoor light exhibition;  November 2017- January 2018. Our flotilla of origami boats will be floating for 2 months on the Great Lake. Photos by JW.

VOYAGE by Aether & Hemera, a  origami boats, lit, flotilla, Aether & Hemera,flotilla of origami paper boats, floating light art

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Aether & Hemera @ Grundy Art Gallery
posted on 18/10/2017 16:35:35 by Hemera

Grundy Art Gallery is presenting a new exhibition of artists’ work developed as part of the Light Lab; a residential seminar programme delivered by the Light Up the North network (LUTN). Light Lab ran in Blackpool between March and June 2017 and provided opportunity for seven light artists, including Gloria Ronchi nominated by LUTN members, to develop new light based artworks in response to a creative brief. More info here.

Aether & Hemera @ Ladies Wine & Design
posted on 05/09/2017 13:52:10 by Hemera

As part of Ladies Wine & Design Newcastle, Aether & Hemera's co-founder Gloria Ronchi will share her experience on: collaborations. On September the 13th at Baltic 39.

For more information  or to book a place see LWD.

Northern galleries attract a new generation of gallery visitors
posted on 30/08/2017 11:05:14 by Hemera

A two-year programme, Generation Tour, supported by the National Lottery funded Strategic Touring programme, attracted more than 123,000 visitors to four contemporary galleries across the North. The galleries commissioned artists, including Aether & Hemera, to create a series of new hands-on contemporary exhibitions to appeal specifically to families. 

You can read more on the Art Council website about this case study.

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Aether & Hemera @ Croydon Heritage Festival
posted on 09/06/2017 18:56:25 by Hemera

We are excited that John Whitgift Foundation has invited Aether & Hemera to create a public artwork installation for the 5th Croydon Heritage Festival, 24– 30 June 2017.  

The  Croydon Heritage Festival will celebrate the unique story of the town with a programme curated under the theme of Evolution, filled full of events. More information HERE

Arts & Maths
posted on 12/04/2017 16:45:58 by Hemera

Gloria Ronchi collaborates with mathematicians Dr Sara Lombardo and Dr Huard from Nothumbria University to devise creative workhops for schools inspired by their research on nonlinear waves thanks to EPSRC, Maths Foresees grant. More details HERE and HERE

Aether & Hemera @ LUTN Light Lab
posted on 24/03/2017 12:22:08 by Hemera

Aether & Hemera have been selected to participate in the inaugural LUTN Light Lab art Residency in Blackpool.

The Lab is a residency programme for high-calibre artists who are either resident in the north or who have a strong relationship to it, to develop new light art works in response to creative briefs set by the festivals. 

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Aether & Hemera @ Enlighten Canberra
posted on 16/02/2017 15:08:11 by Hemera

Over 10 nights, 3 – 12 MARCH 2017, Canberra's Parliamentary Triangle and Enlighten satellite venues will be transformed into vibrant arts precincts, showcasing Australian premiere performances, amusing roving artists, live bands and enchanting performances - all set against a backdrop of stunning architectural projections that shine a light on some of Australia's most iconic locations.

Aether & Hemera @ e-Luminate Cambridge Festival 2017
posted on 09/02/2017 09:59:05 by Hemera

We are very please that our interactive piece 'On the Wings of Freedom' will be part of this edition of Bouygues UK e-Luminate Cambridge. The theme for the 2017 e-Luminate Cambridge Festival will be ‘Play’, a theme which reflects also the interactive, fun and playful nature of Aether & Hemera's installation #LoveLight2017

Aether & Hemera's artwork in the wonderful Magdalene College's garden, Fri 10 - Wed 15 February 2017.

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