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Canal Convergence | Water + Art + Light
posted on 28/09/2013 00:48:10 by Hemera

VOYAGE, flotilla, origami boats, lit, paper boats, floating , from London, to Arizona

Aether & Hemera's installation Voyage 'is sailing' to Arizona for taking part to the inspiring Canal Convergence event which animates the Scottsdale Waterfront  from early November.

We share the same motto with Scottsdale Public Art : Live the art. Love the place.

The mission of Scottsdale Public Art is to serve as a leader in defining art in the public realm through creative place-making, signature cultural events, exhibitions, and installations  contributing to the community's creative, cultural, and economic vitality.

At Aether & Hemera, we are interested in Xdesign for contemporary city , focusing not only on the traditional 'hard' infrastructures of buildings and engineering, but also the 'softer' infrastructures of social networks and human interactions.

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Fluidity@Northern Design Festival 2013
posted on 30/07/2013 21:35:59 by Hemera


Aether & Hemera has taken part in the Northern Design Festival 10 - 20 October 2013, with a new project called 'Fluidity' complemented by Dr Hilton's talk 'Can we change our mind about gender'. Supported using public funding by Arts Council England.

This project results from the collaboration between Gloria Ronchi,  founder of Aether & Hemera, and Dr. Kevin Hilton, Reader in Designing for Transformational Experiences, Northumbria University. Dr. Hilton is researching into gender diversity and inclusion, with the aim of using design to help people accept and understand humankind's diversity of gender experiences and needs. 

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Aether & Hemera @ ICCC Sydney
posted on 28/05/2013 12:05:32 by Hemera

Computational creativity is the study and simulation, by computational means, of behaviour, natural and artificial, which would, if observed in humans, be deemed creative. The Fourth International Conference on Computational Creativity will be held June 12 – 14, 2013 in Sydney, Australia and will exhibit Aether & Hemera art installation during an interactive show and tell showcase. Proceedings here.

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Aether & Hemera @VIVID Sydney
posted on 14/04/2013 16:27:33 by Hemera

We are very excited that our Light and Sound Installation has been selected to be part of Sydney Vivid Festival this year.  June 2013 will be an exciting time for Sydney, as the International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA 2013) will run from the 7th to 16th, as well as the International Conference on Creativity and Cognition from the 17th to the 20th of June 2013 and  the International Conference on Computational Creativity has been announced for the dates 12-14 June, 2013. It will be a very inspiring time for us!

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ArtsIt 2013 @ Hangar Bicocca, Milan
posted on 06/02/2013 22:45:29 by Hemera

Aether & Hemera have been selected for ArtsIt 2013 to show an interactive light and sound piece at the Hangar Bicocca in Milan, 21-23 March 2013; the exhibition aims at presenting innovative and cutting-edge artworks, performances and shows that exploit ICT technologies. Keynote presentation: Andrea Lissoni.

 A video of our talk can be seen here.

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Aether and Hemera @ Kinetica Art Fair 2013, London
posted on 14/01/2013 19:52:09 by Hemera

Aether and Hemera will take part at this year Kinetica Art Fair with a sensory light installation; the event will be in London from February 28th to March 3rd 2013 and more information are available on Kinetica website; The 2013 catalogue is available here 

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